Cooly Rocks On™ and Feros Care have announced the first ever GROW BOLD Festival Ambassador!
The winner is… Rachaelle La Belle!
Proving you can live your BOLDEST life no matter what age, Rachaelle has entered her first Pin Up contest at 50 and is a finalist in this year’s Miss Rockabilly Pageant! As the GROW BOLD Ambassador, Rachaelle La Belle’s will share her journey throughout the Festival – so be sure to follow Cooly Rocks On Festival on Facebook and Instagram to see what she gets up to and experience the Festival from her BOLD perspective.
The competition was open to all ages and abilities – with many talented entrants sharing what makes them BOLD.
Another stand out entry was 12 year old Sebastian Mirana who has Autism and loves classic cars, following his passion for cars around the country and even overseas. We are so excited to announce Sebastian will be our Junior GROW BOLD Ambassador! We will be sure to catch him rocking out on the dance floor, checking out all the incredible cars and joining in the Sunday Street Parade at this year’s Cooly Rocks On. We can’t wait to see what he gets up to and share it with you all during the Festival.
Thank you to all who entered and made this competition so much fun. See you all at Cooly!